Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas friends!

Good news from out here in West Texas... I got a new DSLR for Christmas which means, I can't wait even more for my 45 days of Pinterest!

Shoutout to my faithful follower Toni! :)

Hope you were blessed with laughter and memories and celebrating this weekend! Here's to the new year!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

30 days of Pinterest.

It's almost the New Year, and you know what that means... time to make resolutions! :)

In honor of being me, and not wanting to follow the crowd... I am committing to 45 days of Pinterest! 

I love Social Media. It loves me back. :) And I want to do something nice for social media and give it some free air time, so I will be blogging my way through 45 days of Pinterest recipes, crafts, organizational tips, and maybe even some clothes, jewelry, and shoes to reward myself!

I am really looking forward to it, and I'm hoping that the other Social Media Queens in my life may have some input... GUEST BLOGGING!

If you have any suggestions, be sure to mention me with an @ on My Pinterest page . 

I'm looking forward to it! 

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and most of all, a very Happy New Year! 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Central Texas Wedding Expo

My huge huge huge project this semester has been planning and organizing the Central Texas Wedding Expo.

This event is taking place on December 4, 2011 here in the Cowboy Capital of the World, Stephenville, Texas.

This is the 2nd year for the Expo to take place, and we are so excited about the vendors, door prizes, fashion show and games that will be taking place.

This is an event put on by Legendary Weddings and Special Events,which is an experiential laboratory at Tarleton State University and is made up of Public Relations/Event Management students, and is headed up by Dr. Gay Wakefield.

There are great things going on at Tarleton. We are continuing to stay a step ahead of our time by keeping up with trends and technology.

Also, shoutout to my friends at the Texas Social Media Research Institute and their upcoming event, the Social Media Conference. You can follow their blog:

Please make every effort to come to these events, or support them by visiting their blogs, twitter, Facebook pages and spreading the word via every social media platform you have!

It's a great day to be a Tarleton Texan!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Part 1- Me, and why I love what I'm gonna do! :)

Today I want to talk about why I love what I want to do for a career.

For starters, I am going to talk about the things I love, and why they have helped shape my life into the perfect career.

First is, my family. Cheesy, yes. But they have been everything to me.

 Meet the fam: From L to R- front, Casey, Jaydon, G.G., Me and my Dad, Kevin. Back: Crista, Daddy Dan, Kaitlin and Cade. 

I grew up with just my Dad, and two siblings for the a lot of my life.

It was hilarious. Truly.

We ate lots of casseroles. My dad did lots of shopping at Sams, you know, bulk shopping. I could go on and on about funny stories from growing up. But one of the most important things my dad did, was instill in me a love of humor. He made sure I would laugh at myself, and we had a lighthearted, sarcastic mood around the house. I feel as though sometimes I am pretty witty these days. And this has been good, to win over people, and to network.

My stepmom and two stepbrothers came into my life when I was a senior in High School. Crista loves to cook. And she likes to have a presentable home. And she likes holidays. These are things I have always loved, but the thing that is cool about Crista, is that she pushes the envelope. She likes to do things a little more than traditional. She tries funky dishes, and they don't always make a splash, but she's very good about getting out of her comfort zone. I'm trying to do the same! 
This is my huge family. All 27 of us. These people have been great to me. I have an abundance of cousins, aunts and uncles who have been great to me. I used to work with my uncles and dad, and that was always a trip. A lot of teasing, joking, and laughter. 

My aunts are awesome. They are all gorgeous women, who love their families, husbands and God, above all else (not necessarily in that order. :)) I have shared many laughs with them as well. And they are all great cooks! And wonderful entertainers! I hope to be just like them.

My grandparents are incredible! My grandmother and I have talked at least once a week, every week since I was probably 10 years old... maybe before! My grandmother is also an entertainer, a West Texas renowned cook ;) , and a wonderful glue that keeps our family together.

 This is my mom's side of the family. My aunt Hollye (in the blue sweater) has hosted Thanksgiving at her house for the past, many years! I have been in college and haven't been able to go home, and I have had the opportunity to spend it with them. They are so great at making people feel loved.

My mom is in the back. She is an artist. She gave me my free-spirit side. And she is extremely social. All things I got from her, and all things that I am very thankful for. I also got her short stature (lucky me!) 

My Nan, in the white dress, is my grandmother soulmate. We are so alike on so many things. We love cooking and entertaining, and glitzy things, and Martha Stewart and awesome stuff. About the only thing we don't agree on, is politics. ;) 

So, it's safe to say, that I come from a long line of entertainers, and people who have helped me realize that this is truly what I love. So many events involve family, namely weddings, and it is a beautiful thing. 

I love it! 

Well, part 1 of why I love what I have chosen to do for a career turned out longer than I thought. So stay tuned for part 2, COMING SOON!


Monday, October 10, 2011

I love first posts!

Good morning blog-world! 

Welcome to my new blog. I am currently taking votes on names for my new blog, in which I want to focus on weddings, events, decor, and the wonderful things I find online! 

Today, just to get 'er started the right way, I have an article I found about the use of social media in... wait for it... WEDDINGS! 

This article details the different ways that the modern, busy bride is using social media to make her wedding remarkable, efficient, and hip! I got it from @SocialMediaChck on twitter. And it is a great article.

Weddings and Social Media

Who would have thought, QR codes on invites? crazy!